Dear 2020,
That night was a bit of a blur. When the clock ticked towards your welcome, it was cheered on by people all around me. Fireworks lit up the night sky, we looked on filled with hope and dreams for what was to come. There was so much to look forward to. I was excited. We kissed at midnight. Dancing with sweaty bodies holding on to each other.
But you started off by almost burning Australia to nothing but dust. It was horrific and heartbreaking. Tension built around the climate change crisis. America’s political strife “trumped” headlines. Things weren’t looking too good.
Despite all of this, work was great. The business was doing so well. We opened a little cafe that took off and was loved by so many people. We had big plans for the upcoming months. I couldn’t help but repeatedly tell the bosses how excited I was for everything that lay ahead.
Our little home was near completion. We were set to move in next month. There were just a few more things we needed to do. We just needed a little time.
Then Coronavirus suddenly became a word that made people nervous. We watched as the world started shutting down, one country at a time. Even then, I made the mistake of thinking I was safe. Until our president announced that South Africa had been declared a state of emergency. I woke up the next morning and went about my normal day, just with some regular hand washing and keeping a distance from anyone with a cough. By the end of that day, I was wrapped in a blanket of darkness. I cried. I cried a lot. It felt like my world was falling apart around me.
The official lock down was announced and I could finally breathe. I wasn’t alone. There was a tiny bit of relief that “this too shall pass”. The memes kept me sane. I stopped thinking and just took each day, one day at a time.
Now as I write this, just a few hours away from being isolated to the boundaries of my in-law’s property, I know that we will over come this tragic, global crisis. The next few weeks are going to be a little surreal. And I still don’t know what it will look like when this is all over. But I’ve watched people through my lens for a while now and I know there is good that will come out of this terrifying time.
I guess in a way, you knew that it was time to hit the re-set button. To stop us, so that we can really take into account what and who is important during our very short time on this planet we call home. I’m ready to reset. When this is all over, could you be a little kinder for the rest of our 2020 ride? It’s been a bumpy start and some of us are a little bruised.
Until then, I will hold onto the ones I can.
With Love (now more than ever)
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